
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why Do Ghosts Wear Clothes?

Why do ghosts wear clothes? Why are they seen the way they are? Are they discarnate spirits of the dead? When the human body ceases to function, are they merely bundles of energy let loose in the air? Or are they simply residual images that are left behind on the atmosphere of somewhere like an old film? Clothing allows the spirit to be recognizable as human; and dates it to a particular time period. But why does a soul...the dead...need clothes?

Not all sightings of ghosts remain residual images--meaning like an old film loop...a scene or image that is played over and over through the years. A camera can catch a ghost on film as it appears: freed energy masses from the human body. Ghosts are portrayed as light on film--a shapeless mass of energy, along with fogs and mists that remain mysterious. But how does the camera accomplish their true reality? As a non-thinking piece of equipment it captures the ghost in its real form. The normal screening process of the brain keeps people from seeing ghosts as they normally appear. Ghosts exist in a spectrum of light one cannot see. Actually, scientists really don't understand why ghosts stay undetected by the naked eye. If ghosts truly remain masses of energy (like in photographs)--then how come folks' descriptions of ghosts always reflect people who once lived?

One can basically rule out residual images: many sightings happen to those knowing the spirit when living....but still a lot of encounters remain unexplained. Many sightings can't possibly be simply residual images: since the ghosts have intelligence--and also have an interaction with those encountering it. Electromagnetic energy makes-up a ghost. This inside-the-body energy comprises the spirit, personality or soul. Although this energy really exists, science cannot prove it. Basically, since the electromagnetic energy exists inside our bodies (without proof)--then it goes to reason it can exist outside of the body when the body no longer functions. Again, our personality--spirit--makes-up of this energy. Also, when exposed to high levels of electromagnetic energy, one can experience vivid dreams, nightmares, along with hallucinations. So, this "energy", itself, causes people to see things.

Then that could explain how a ghost can appear as it did when contained within the human body. Does this mean that ghosts really appear merely in our heads? In a way it truly does. A witness of a ghost can possibly see the ghost as the ghost sees itself--if the spirits have any sort of control over the energy making up their composition. Or it holds true if their personalities stay manifested some in the energy. So the ghost would see itself the way it appeared when alive and wearing clothes (looking like a living person)--if the personality really does remain. Whether a manipulation by the ghost or spirit, itself, or an unconscious effect of the energy on the living might cause the witness to view what it wants them to see. In reality, one merely takes the mentality of the "scary movie" out of the incident. One would assume if ghosts really acted as human souls or human spirits, they would appear naked. Undoubtedly naked ghosts would more or less take the scare quality out of the occasion.

In a nutshell, a spirit or ghost appears like a photocopy of a person. And neither the ghost or the clothes reflect light. But their image superimposes on our field of vision by the brain--like a hallucination (but not really hallucinations, though); yet perceived in the very same manner. In essence, the spirit or ghost has to inform our brain how it should appear. The brain then interprets the non-visually aware vision; then that interpretation superimposes on the witness' vision field--simply since that's how human see things: that people really don't have a "ghost sense." Ghosts remain echoes of a particular past event. The spirit appears to act consciously in its reaction to the current environment. Actually, supernatural instances remain simply the result of quantum effects that prove highly improbable--that actually happen at that moment. When humans interpret data, everything takes place in the mind. How on earth could one say someone's version of the world is a misperception? All that one experiences acts as a subjective interpretation--arising as an epiphenomenon in a ultra complex brain computer.

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