
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Déjà vu: Perceptive of One's Own Perception

Scholars acknowledging “fringe science” subjects like déjà vu, reincarnation, astral projection, and the paranormal often get shut out from the hard line scientific community. But even Nobel Prize winner Brian Josephson, who invented the Josephson Junction, feels research proves pertinent concerning the paranormal. Any conscious exclusion of research of this nature--thoughts or desires-- intentionally remains symptomatic of old world thinking and closed minds. For example, at times a déjà vu experience occurs when one is mindful of an alternate universe or timeline. In a manner of speaking, it happens when one stays perceptive of his own perception without being introspective.

At every moment one drifts away from or gets closer to more dissimilar universes that remain parallel. A boy lost in a void-like empty parallel universe and a girl in a conventional or "normal" world may meet across space and time. At the moment both of them remain in the "same room" in their universes that are respective: a connectedness or LINK comes into existence. And the ONLY reason the boy and girl can communicate is since the two are wishing, anticipating and KNOWING the other person will be there. Possibly one remains merely not connected--"hooked-up"--to unlike experiences that drift parallel through us (kind of like the air in motion: wind blowing across wind). This may simply result since one really does not realize what he's searching for. So then by that means (or because of that) it all comes about while passing directly beneath or below the surface of our perception?

Perhaps when one imagines seeing himself in 20 years from this moment he (in some strange way) really travels to that definite (but not specific or identified) future prospect, potential or possibility. This reflects dream-related déjà vu: I had the dream; and THEN it occurred. Oftentimes many do not even recall a dream until it comes to pass. Then right away the dream in its entirety comes back with total clarity--evoking lifelike images within the mind. In some manner perhaps this may all tie together--nearly as rolling the fifth- or sixth dimension (whatever it is); and choosing a distinctly separate path from the first. This follows a subconscious knowingness of its existence.

What holds promise to the truth? "Déjà vu is the mind's way of letting you know that you are in the right place at the right time." Some believe everyone wrote their own life script before taking on the Earth experience: that we plan our lives while we're still in the spirit world  -- and get guidance from an enlightened council member.  Though rare, sometimes one's psychic senses remember their written scripts at the same time the conscious minds go through the occasion on earth. This means the conscious mind has two sources of data input: the memory experiences of the "psychic soul" and the physical while-it-is-occurring experience: which all says the same thing--déjà vu.

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