
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Astral Projection Via Dreams: Physical Body Connected to Astral Body by Silver Cord

Astral projection most often occurs during sleep. Some people consciously perform astral projection. Sometimes information is brought back from the astral trip and then verified. The physical body is connected to the etheric body (or astral body) by a cord. This cord connection is referred to as the "Silver Cord (even though often white): plugging into the chakras like an umbilical cord. Many people having dreams actually travel to astral realms--unaware they are astral projecting. Basically, in theosophical belief it was an ability to send the astral (psychic) body outside the physical body, as both stay connected. Astral projection was a trance-like state-- that allowed one to visit other planes, times and locations: called traveling to the "astral plane." At times dreams one has of flying may really be astral projection. Consciousness transfers into an astral body (or double)--moving free of the physical body in the parallel world (the astral plane).

The traditional comprehension of Out of Body Experience encompasses the projected (or traveler) moving about (usually) either invisible or in ghost-like form in a world that looks like mundane physical reality. At times one wanders about recklessly in the astral plane--aimlessly acting out dreams. Sometimes one might encounter family, friends and those loved ones who have (in the current lifetime) crossed over or those from past lives. During astral projection one might be present in learning sessions--attending school for that matter: a "class" where one learns from those on a higher plane--Masters.

It is in those sessions one finds answers to earthly problems and worries. Getting out of the body (projecting) was easy; remaining out remains more difficult. When one is fully conscious out of the body he is very sensitive. However the alertness is so intense when out of the body, it can hamper staying out. (Overreaction is common when out of the body: one can be propelled back into the body over the least fearful reaction). Seth's readings explain how the inner senses expand consciousness; thus, allowing one to become aware of his own multidimensional existence. "The self has no boundaries except those it accepts out of ignorance" quotes Seth.

Astral projection may be mistaken for vivid, intense dreams: like everything sparkles--and beauty remains exceptionally awesome. Flying dreams often fall into this category. The astral plane stays characteristically filled with pinpoints of light. Those specific dreams have almost a "starry" nature about them. (This quality is the effect of a higher rate of vibration.) Unconsciously and unwittingly, one can learn to stay out of the body longer--keep their head level longer while moving about or flying around (keeping the mind preoccupied in order to avoid being overwhelmed by every little unusual thing).

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