
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Earth Moving into Photon Energy Band: In 2012 the Conscious Level of Collective Souls Rise

Right at this moment the Earth is moving into a space zone that is a photon energy band. This occurs about every 11,000 years—where we move into the band for around 2000 years. Our star system previously was in the band during Atlantis. In the Pleiadean star grouping (which includes Earth's sun), our system is the eighth star. The basis of mythology in a host of countries is found among these stars. The Bible speaks of this Photon Belt in details, so does Nostradamus. Other Pleiadean stars (and ours) encircle the star Alcyon—which remains constantly in the Photon Belt. The current earthly experience proves something of value for the array of experience traveling within dimensions that occurs as we travel in and out of the Photon Belt. For this ride, alone, millions upon millions of souls are attempting to get into a body. The sky will look as if on fire if Earth enters the belt initially. But in reality it will only be cold light: there's no heat. But if the sun happens to make an entrance first, darkness will fall right away—lasting 110 hours. The sky will appear as though filled with falling stars—due to solar radiation transfer. When Earth does enter the Photon Belt, light will remain constant. The Bible makes referenced to this: 'All the stars will fall from the sky and the sky will be no more. By the time the year 2012 arrives, we will be completely in the belt.

When this occurs in the Photon Belt the walls among the different dimensions start thinning remarkably—may not even exist. Radical earth changes, and weather patterns will result from our shifting in and out of the Photon Belt...and it's inevitable that the very polarized 4th dimension (the astral/emotional destiny: filled with distortions and illusions—with interactions from devils to angels) will integrate into our planet—invade our reality of the 3rd dimension. This will require some mastery of those on Earth. Entities from that dimension could be of great help or a hindrance to our development. After entering the Photon Belt each human being that's sound and normal will feel the sudden impact with a jolt—not unlike one's finger inserted into a light receptacle. And if not prepared for it, many people will not survive the jolt. This will result in the shift from the human being as we know now to a rather dissimilar molecular structure—a person of the atmosphere. A lot has already been written about this in the Bible—of those who affirm they have lived in this light period: 'and ye shall be changed to immortality without the separation of death in the twinkling of an eye.' Also, space travel appears easier within the Photon Belt. It speculated that when the period of Light ended previously, the Mayans hurriedly made their exit—but with a communication of returning: a return that appears close at hand in 2012 when the conscious levels of collective souls rise.

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