
Sunday, April 17, 2016

In the Unfolding of Eternity A Single Lifetime Is Only a Passing Moment: Reincarnation


                                                      DG Farnsworth

“Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.”-Rumi

One is not aware that all incarnations are being played out at the same moment. And it is our awareness that affects which place we consciously incarnate: all lives are simultaneously being experienced. Time is an illusion. Every bit of karmic debt is played out in this manner: simultaneously. The higher self recognizes this fact, while the conscious mind does not realize this in 3D. Often one will continue to come across or encounter a person in many incarnations. This makes that person part of their "soul group." Basically, a soul group is a connection of growth: a growth opportunity for the evolvement of a situation--for a situation to choose expression; thus, causing and effecting moments that all add-up to the soul's evolution. It is true that some connections are in advance of the incarnation chosen. Some are evaluations of the free will--assessments--while something is happening in the lives that are lived by all for encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance--advancement: to learn the harmony of being true to the self, also. This means the soul to God and spirit. 

What Karma really is: an opportunity on earth to understand and exercise issues--work through ongoing problems. This includes lessons yet to be learned (negative or positive)--all for the purpose of moving forward: growth. Lessons concern advancements and growth--to the heart, thought and vibration. Love is all and love in all: others, oneself and God. One must understand that all are one. DHARMA is being true to the soul self--as well as God and the self. When one speaks of cording, it is a reference to the connection to another: there is a reason for the attachment. With the help of guides (and the spiritual) it is possible to cut cords. Cords can be cut by thoughts on purpose, also: an intentional cutting. Cords can be dissolved to people you don't want to join with (by association): this can be happen through actions that are positive--as well as positive connections. If one finds that cords are too heavy--they can be substituted with people that inspire...heighten...intensify and empower: all by sending love. Thus, one is not burdened--weighed down.

Cords are woven together with strength--and energies are woven together--with a strong vibration. These meshed cords function with the power of love and positive intent. Thus, they are paramount--very valuable--at helping in the job of healing--repairing and love. They help by changing--assisting--in love's name, in light's name, and the name of God. When all is one and light and love are connected the right intent is very powerful. One needs to focus on what he/she came here to do--to achieve. Often one hears one say to "look inside yourself" "take a deeper look at oneself." And really try to understand--see--what one is here to really achieve. There is a rhythm in everything--in all that appears chaos. When one gets caught up or spends too much time looking at or trying to understand what one doesn't know (instead of focusing on what we're here to do) often one becomes overwhelmed.

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