
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

There Is No Death: The Soul Never Dies And The Body is Never Really Alive


                                                    DG Farnsworth

         "There is no death. How can there be death if everything is part of the Godhead? The soul never dies and the body is never really alive." —Isaac Bashevis Singer, Stories from Behind the Stove

If you realize the resurrection of all in nature, reincarnation remains at center stage. Reincarnation was very prominent and well respected in the first 500 years of Christianity. In his "Confessions" even St. Augustine wonders about the viability of reincarnation. Emperor Constantine omitted the earliest references to reincarnation in the New Testament -- when Christianity replaced Rome's official religion. This concept of reincarnation proved too threatening to the stability of the empire. Citizens might act less obedient and law-abiding if they believe they had another chance to live--than those who believe in a single Judgment Day. In the 6th Century (553 A.D.) the 2nd Council of Constantinople made it heresy by declaration: the Christian Church officially banished the reincarnation doctrine. The banishment reflected it had too much Eastern influence. By doing so, the church could increase its power and tighten its grip upon the human mind: by informing people they must accomplish salvation in just one incarnation -- and not reaching salvation in one lifetime meant going to Hell. Basically, reincarnation threatens the church; for it undermines its growing power and influence by allowing followers too much time to seek salvation. 

The repression of past-life teachings has been political, not spiritual. Recall the story of The Blind Men from John 9: 1-2, NIV: "As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind.'" This offers two possibilities to Jesus: the man was either blind because of his parents or he was blind because of sins that were his own -- karma. So, if our souls do not exist before this birth and if the man was born blind, then why or where could he have committed sins that caused blindness? He had a previous life. John 3, 3 from the Bible solidifies the argument: "No one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again." If one is programmed to think he or she may not get a second chance...well, one can readily and easily put all kinds of guilt upon you: give one a damnation feeling, collect tithes in abundance -- all the things one is not worthy of or doesn't deserve. Early Christians believed with honor reincarnation proved formidable (before increased organization of religion). People often remark one could not believe in reincarnation and be a Christian both. In essence, it is better to be good wherever that may be in lieu of having to return to do everything over, again, just to get it right. The likes of Carl Jung feed these beliefs: "My life often seemed to me like a story that has no beginning and no end. I had the feeling that I was an historical fragment, and excerpt for which the preceding and succeeding text was missing. I could well imagine that I might have lived in former centuries and there encountered questions I was not yet able to answer; that I had been born again because I had not fulfilled the task given to me."

Reincarnation remains much easier to grasp once one understands "we are not our bodies"--that in the field of our own primal awareness, the body arises as a manifestation. The soul is forever evolving -- with each soul having (most likely) no beginning and no end. In conclusion, desire fuels all our births and deaths. And our desires do not end at death: they continue and request urgently and forcefully another body, to behave as a device to fulfill our desires. What is at the end of desires is spiritual wisdom. And in a peace beyond all understanding, there we abide in God. The words of Ralph Waldo Emerson express it well: "The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary abode, and it goes out of it anew it passes into other habitations, for the soul is immortal...It is the secret of the world that all things subsist and do not die, but only retire a little from sight and afterwards return again. Nothing is dead; men feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals...and there they stand looking out of the window, sound and well, in some strange new disguise."

Sunday, April 17, 2016

In the Unfolding of Eternity A Single Lifetime Is Only a Passing Moment: Reincarnation


                                                      DG Farnsworth

“Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.”-Rumi

One is not aware that all incarnations are being played out at the same moment. And it is our awareness that affects which place we consciously incarnate: all lives are simultaneously being experienced. Time is an illusion. Every bit of karmic debt is played out in this manner: simultaneously. The higher self recognizes this fact, while the conscious mind does not realize this in 3D. Often one will continue to come across or encounter a person in many incarnations. This makes that person part of their "soul group." Basically, a soul group is a connection of growth: a growth opportunity for the evolvement of a situation--for a situation to choose expression; thus, causing and effecting moments that all add-up to the soul's evolution. It is true that some connections are in advance of the incarnation chosen. Some are evaluations of the free will--assessments--while something is happening in the lives that are lived by all for encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance--advancement: to learn the harmony of being true to the self, also. This means the soul to God and spirit. 

What Karma really is: an opportunity on earth to understand and exercise issues--work through ongoing problems. This includes lessons yet to be learned (negative or positive)--all for the purpose of moving forward: growth. Lessons concern advancements and growth--to the heart, thought and vibration. Love is all and love in all: others, oneself and God. One must understand that all are one. DHARMA is being true to the soul self--as well as God and the self. When one speaks of cording, it is a reference to the connection to another: there is a reason for the attachment. With the help of guides (and the spiritual) it is possible to cut cords. Cords can be cut by thoughts on purpose, also: an intentional cutting. Cords can be dissolved to people you don't want to join with (by association): this can be happen through actions that are positive--as well as positive connections. If one finds that cords are too heavy--they can be substituted with people that inspire...heighten...intensify and empower: all by sending love. Thus, one is not burdened--weighed down.

Cords are woven together with strength--and energies are woven together--with a strong vibration. These meshed cords function with the power of love and positive intent. Thus, they are paramount--very valuable--at helping in the job of healing--repairing and love. They help by changing--assisting--in love's name, in light's name, and the name of God. When all is one and light and love are connected the right intent is very powerful. One needs to focus on what he/she came here to do--to achieve. Often one hears one say to "look inside yourself" "take a deeper look at oneself." And really try to understand--see--what one is here to really achieve. There is a rhythm in everything--in all that appears chaos. When one gets caught up or spends too much time looking at or trying to understand what one doesn't know (instead of focusing on what we're here to do) often one becomes overwhelmed.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sexual Union Is a Sacred Spiritual Union Toward Transcendence


                                   DG Farnsworth

"It is time to return to the ancient wisdom of worshipping life rather than death."-Psychology Today

Sexual Union Is a Sacred Spiritual Union Toward Transcendence

Sexual union remains a sacred spiritual union. Our minds can wrap around that concept. All the media reflects an American society obsessed with sex. Sex is a dance that celebrates the great force of life. I'd like to help bring it out of the dark and end its attachment to the neurotic. There is a longing for meaning and substance today--a spiritual hunger that's racing through America. Celebrity news regularly focuses on Madonna and other celebrities and their attachment to the Kabbalah. One must bring the two together--spiritual and sexual. Anne Wells says in the "Valley of the Dolls," "'You've got to climb Mount Everest to reach the Valley of the Dolls."

It's not a new concept. The sacred route in Eastern philosophy for centuries has been ritual sex. What about the sacred sex called Tantra practiced by the Buddhists and Hindus? The union of the male and female principles--yin and yang--remains the road to enlightenment: Godly bliss through prayer, sexual positions, visualization, breath control and complicated sounds. The problem with traditional Tantra rests in American culture's idea of genital orgasm that is simultaneous. It's hard to sell the American people the idea of the need to hold onto sexual energy inside--and the concentration required for men not to release. Yikes! It's difficult to restrain one's sexual fever--not allowing it to flow out and down--instead turning it inward and upward. That appears too contrived--not normal to the everyday American. If human orgasm release feels so good, why on Earth would one give it up (pass on it) for the possible benefit of an unfamiliar ecstasy?

What it's all about: learning to shift all that pent-up sexual energy around inside. Avoiding the strong concentration, attention or energy on "semen retention" reigns paramount. The possibility exists of whole-body orgasm. (Yeah, that's right -- whole body orgasm!) One learns the pleasure of eliminating the release--or delaying it--when one explores a lot of the other components of sacred sex. Sexual union can result in transcendence. Although it's not dogmatic or religious, the approach (in essence) stays spiritual. Being playful also proves important--especially laughter. All this encompasses a loving fabric that's woven with lust. But it's not just about what goes on in the bedroom: trust and love play a paramount role in the relationship. Basically, spiritual growth and personal awareness are the result of the relationship. Submission or loss of one's self is not surrender one understands. What results proves to be a thing far greater than one's self--an expansion of loving.

There is a discipline of body and mind, just like a path that is spiritual. A person becomes healthier as result when concentrating and focusing on the body and mind. The stability of emotions is one of the first benefits. In reality, one begins to see the body as a tangible symbol signifying approval: an award. It is only then one truly views the body as a "temple of the soul."

Deepak Chopra shares the following insights on sex and spirituality in his book  Kama Sutra
Kama Sutra by Deepak Chopra

"Sexual energy is the primal and creative energy of the universe. All things that are alive come from sexual energy. In animals and other life forms, sexual energy expresses itself as biological creativity. In humans, sexual energy can be creative at all levels — physical, emotional and spiritual. In any situation — where we feel attraction, arousal, awakening, alertness, passion, interest, inspiration, excitement, creativity, enthusiasm — in each of these situations, sexual energy is at work. Whenever we feel these states of awareness, we must put our attention on the energy that we are experiencing, nourishing it with our attention, experiencing it with joy and keeping it alive in our awareness.

Sexual desire is sacred and chaste. The suppression of sexual energy is false, ugly and unchaste.

During sexual union, there is union between flesh and spirit. 

Bliss, carefreeness and playfulness are the essence of sex.

To improve your sexual experiences, get rid of your expectations. Expectations are primarily in three areas: 1) Performance, exemplified in the question, “How am I doing?” 2) Feeling, exemplified in the question, “How am I feeling?” 3) Security, exemplified in the question, “Do you love me?”      

In sex, as in all areas of life, resistance is born of fear. All resistance is mental. It implies judgment against what is being felt. Sex becomes a problem when it gets mixed with hidden emotions such as shame, guilt and anger.

Sexual intimacy is the road to the taste or experience of true freedom, because it is the one area of life in which we can become completely uninhibited and free.

Sexual fulfillment occurs when the experience comes from playfulness instead of need. Frequently people bring their conflicts and needs into the sexual experience. When sex is used to fulfill needs, it leads to addiction. When sex comes from playfulness, the result is ecstasy.

All problems related to sex, neurosis, deviancy, sexual misbehavior, violence, abuse, can be traced to resistance, suppression and repression — not to the sexual urges themselves. If we are allowed to discover our urges, desires and emotions, without outside inhibition, they won’t go to extremes. Extremism, in any form, is a reaction to repression, inhibition and suppression. Aggression and violence are the shadow energies of fear and impotence.

Sex is a means of escaping our little self or ego. It is many peoples’ only experience of meditation.

Meaningful sex has to be value based. Values are personal. Each situation that has sexual energy in it, involves the whole human being and their entire value system. My values may be different from yours, and I have no right to be the moral judge of anyone’s values. It is important, however, to have core values, and respect them. Without values, we become spiritually bankrupt. Sexual experience will never cause problems and will always be joyful, if lovers share the same values.

True intimacy is union between flesh and flesh, between subtle body and subtle body, between soul and soul. Sexual energy is sacred energy. When we have restored the sexual experience to the realm of the sacred, our world will be chaste and divine, holy and healed."

Anorexia Nervosa May Simply Be The Product Of Unresolved Issues In Past Lives

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